Sunday, August 4, 2013

Forever 21 Haul and Some Birthday Presents!

 Hi guys! Good to talk to you guys again! I've missed you. Anyway, this post will be an early birthday post. My grandparents came down today to celebrate my birthday early, and I wanted to show you guys what I got!

 First, I got a new earring holder! It is a little black owl with holes all over him. He even has a little bowl for rings, bracelets, necklaces, etc..., around him as his stand. This also came with several (18) pairs of ocean-related stud earrings. (My ears are pierced.) You know, stuff like anchors, sailboats, crabs, seashells, etc.... (In the ring bowl are my already purchased rings!)

 Second, I got a $100 Forever 21 gift card. My excitement level was huge. Forever 21 has really great prices, so for $100 you can get a lot of stuff! So, later on, my mom took my to Forever 21 and I spent $90 of my $100! Here is what I got!
a) I got a cream sweater with roses on it. It is so cute and very, very soft! It is long sleeved, too, so it is perfect for when it gets a little colder!
b) I also got a black sweater with a white top (like, a color blocked top, but in black and white) with a little faux collar. It is also very soft, and is super cute. However, this one is short sleeved!
c, d, and e) I also got an aqua sleeveless top with bunnies on it, along with a pair of regular skinny jeans, and some jeans that are a dusty rose color. They are currently in the wash, so I will post pictures of them later!
f) I also got some jewelry! I got two rings! The first one is a gold ring with an arrow-and-a-heart on it!
g) I also got another gold ring. This one says "love" in cursive, with a little rhinestone in the "o!"
h) I also got some hair bows. They are a red faux-leather one, and three mini ones- two different red plaids, and a navy one with white polka dots.

i) To top it all off, I got a gold necklace. The necklace has a super long chain, which I love. On the end it as a gold heart, but when you look closer it is actually made to look like a nail that has been bent to make the heart shape!

This concludes this post, and I will talk to you guys later! Bye!
  Madeleine <3


  1. AWESOMAZING!!!! Love the heart necklace! Hope to see it and YOU soon!!! But WHY DIDN'T YOU JUST GET 20 SUNGLASSES!?!??!?!?!??!?! Sorry... i love sunglasses.

    1. Heehee. I wore my heart necklace today! I don't need more than 2 pairs of sunglasses, I think......

    2. I have between 7 and 11!!!!

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